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A member registered Feb 18, 2021

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Ok don't know if its bc pc is trash but i run the 32x app and right when i do attack in the medieval fighting arena my game goes white and stops responding.

now that i reread it i understand i


plz use English not tech but yes I'm looking on pc

agreed. I wished this was a bigger game, so the updates took like a day to make. imagine that.

Where can I find that? I've looked and can't really find any download pages.

it's a very good game though hope I find a pg-13 version on google play store

How do u make these? Do u use a program or do you code it yourself and how do u find the backgrounds. Do u make them?

i agree he is good

sadly i cant do that because i dont have money like tha

is there a way to speed up update times? if there is tell me plz

When is 0.4 coming i already finished it!! I hate this because u have to wait so long to play a amazing game